The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project team is excited to introduce Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE, our new interactive series of Zoom events! These are live, interactive events to promote healthy living for adults and students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We will be holding events on Zoom every Wednesday at 11 AM and Fridays at 1 PM on a variety of topics relating to healthy living! Some events will feature guest speakers who will lend their expertise. Live viewers will be able to share comments, ask questions, and participate in real time. Each event will be a unique, online experience you won't want to miss out on!
"Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE" is part of our Healthy Lifestyles Project (HLP). HLP is a program of The Arc of New Jersey and receives funding through a grant awarded by The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey.
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Register for Upcoming Events
These events are intended for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project reserves the right to take and use photographs, video, and electronic images of attendees at its agency-sponsored events for promotional and educational purposes. By registering, you consent to having your photo taken for promotional purposes.
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Past Events
Missed out on a past event? Or maybe you enjoyed it so much you'd like to see it again? We can schedule a personal virtual training for your agency!
Email NJSAP@ArcNJ.org or call 732-749-8514 to schedule a training for your group.
Check out our photos from our past events below!
If you have any questions or comments please email NJSAP@ArcNJ.org or call 732-749-8514.