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Sexual Violence in the IDD Community

Ponder©: A Decision-Making Game

Ponder© Online is now available! Click the button below to play!

Ponder© is an interactive card game designed to help people negotiate the decision-making process. Appropriate for people of all levels of ability, the game features colorful graphics and attractive characters to entice players to practice making decisions about life’s incidental situations, but with a thoughtful yet fun approach. 

To play the game, small groups are dealt random cards outlining a series of values, boundaries, consequences, and wants. They are then assigned a scenario – such as experiencing peer pressure or assessing a dangerous situation – and asked to figure out if they should participate in that scenario while considering the content of their cards. It is a great way to practice navigating life while keeping what matters in mind. 

The best part: there is no right or wrong answer, just a right or wrong answer for each individual! 

Contact your local chapter of The Arc to jump into Ponder©!