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Webinar: Oral Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs

Tuesday, October 8, 2019
6:00 pm7:00 pm

The following webinar is designed for caretakers of children with special health care needs. It would provide a general overview of the importance of daily mouth care and how you as caregivers can help. When your child has good oral health, it will improve the quality of both of your lives. Children with special health care needs are at great risk for dental diseases, and many times they do not know how or are unable to care for their teeth. Caregivers can play a very important role in helping a person have good health, comfort, and hygiene.

Speaker: Maria, Czarniecki, DMD
Dr. Czarniecki was born and raised on Long Island, received her B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Genetics and Development from Cornell University and earned her D.M.D. at Temple University School of Dentistry. She has worked in private practice for over 20 years and also has experience working with the developmentally disabled population. Dr. Czarniecki has an older brother who is special needs, so life experience and the need for more and better health care for this particular population is what drew her to focus in this area. She has worked with developmentally disabled children through NJ Dental Lifeline and through Rutgers University School of Dentistry at the Matheny Dental clinic. Currently, she works at Gentle Care Dentistry in Chester, NJ.

The below survey to help The Arc of New Jersey and the New Jersey Academy of Pediatrics understand the dental services provided to your child and improve access to dental care offered in NJ. All answers will be kept completely confidential, meaning we will not share them with your dentist or anyone else that provides care to you or your child.