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REPLAY: Empowering Legislative Advocates Through Video

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
2:00 pm3:00 pm

**This is a recording of a previous webinar. Experience it for the first time or rewatch it to gain a better understanding of the topic. The question box will be open and we will respond to any questions 24 hours after the event.

This webinar is presented by Sorretie Jaro, a Self-Advocate from Spokane, WA. Sorretie is a former SARTAC Fellow and current Chairperson of the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Ombuds Advisory Committee. Attendees will learn about Sorretie's Fellowship project which focuses on empowering self-advocates to connect with legislators and decision makers by creating videos to highlight different advocacy issues. Sorretie will also discuss tips for helping other self-advocates communicate with their elected representatives and understand different types of advocacy.

Sorretie Jaro is a self-advocate from Spokane, WA. Currently, Ms. Jaro is Chair Person of the DD Ombuds Advisory Committee. Sorretie is passionate about self-advocacy and believes that everyone has the right to learn how to use their skills, whether it be sticking up for yourself and fighting for change to make the world a better place for everybody to live.