What Do I Need to Know About: The Steps After An Arrest - An Overview of the Criminal Justice Process from Beginning to End
The criminal justice system can be overwhelming and confusing to navigate. There is a plethora of steps and processes that occur after an arrest, including the intake, First Appearance, conditions of pretrial release, right to counsel, pre-indictment events, disposition, trials, and sentencing to name a few. Each step of the process presents with various potential challenges that can add to the already stressful event when an individual is facing charges.
Individuals with IDD may be eligible for various accommodations and programs offered throughout the criminal justice process, such as the Pretrial Intervention Program (PTI). However, it may be difficult to gain understanding and knowledge on how these programs work and how to apply for resources.
Jacqueline Boulos, an attorney with the NJ Office of the Public Defender for over 10 years, will be providing a detailed overview of the criminal justice process from the initial arrest until the sentencing, including post-conviction motions and all the intermediary steps in between for individuals with IDD who have been/are involved in the criminal justice system, as well as for family members, caretakers, and community professionals.