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Exploring A Closer Look: I/DD and Social Justice Within the Criminal Justice System: An International Perspective from Australia

Thursday, October 20, 2022
2:00 pm3:00 pm

Much like the United States, overrepresentation of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Australia occur at a significant rate. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, although less than 3% of people have a diagnosis of IDD, individuals with IDD can make upwards of 15-30% of the prison population. Australia’s viewpoint regarding IDD and social policies pertaining to the criminal justice system share many similarities, but also some considerable differences.

Our presenter, Professor Eileen Baldry (BA, DipEd, MWP, PhD) is a criminologist and social justice advocate. She is Deputy Vice-Chancellor Equity Diversity and Inclusion and Professor of Criminology at the University of New South Wales. Professor Baldry has taught social policy, social development and criminology over the past 30 years. Her research and publications focus on social justice and include mental health and cognitive disability in the criminal justice system, amongst topics including disability services. Professor Baldry has served as Chair of several homelessness and justice related committees and is currently Chair of the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission’s Advisory Board. During her time as Deputy Chair of the Disability Council NSW, Professor Baldry advised the Minister and public authorities on emerging issues relating to people with disability.

• Upon registration for this webinar, please email questions relating to IDD and the criminal justice system and associated social policy to Due to differences in time zones, this webinar will be pre-recorded.