The Arc of New Jersey Health Care Advocacy Program has a number of fact sheets and flyers on different topics that are regularly shared during presentations and webinars.
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 allows individuals with IDD to set up tax-deferred savings accounts to save on expenses, while remaining eligible for public benefits like Medicaid and SSI, as long as certain conditions are met.
This fact sheet will help you with the steps to follow when requesting access to certain services from DDD at age 21 and before leaving school. Be prepared to access all available services from DDD at age 21 and after leaving school.
NJ Legislative Disability Caucus - Letter Regarding Access to Healthcare for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) on April 26, 2022
Provides information on qualifications for hospital-based Charity Care. Please note that the eligibility for Charity Care is based on family income and assets, but having U.S. citizenship or a Green Card is not a requirement, as it is to be eligible for NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid.
Provides a brief overview of the different NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid programs and eligibility information.
This flyer is applicable for persons with IDD who have SSI. When an individual's parent retires, becomes disabled, or passes away, this flyer describes the process by which the "Disabled Adult Child" (DAC) may continue to receive Medicaid. If this process is not followed, the DAC will likely lose Medicaid and DDD services.
How DAC status interacts with Social Security benefits, such as SSI and SSDI.
NJ DHS and DDD Medicaid Eligibility for the Supports Program
Understanding what happens when a person with IDD who receives Medicaid becomes eligible for Medicare.
Understanding what happens with prescription medications when a person with IDD who receives Medicaid becomes eligible for Medicare.
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) are a special form of Medicare managed care plan that coordinates all covered Medicare and Medicaid managed care benefits in one health plan. Enrollment in a D-SNP is voluntary and not required.
Published by the National Center on Law & Elder Rights. February 2020.
Health disparities are unfair differences in the level of health, health care, and health outcomes that occur among certain groups of people based on social, racial, ethnic, economic, or environmental factors.
HealthMeet Flu Prevention FlyerFor more information about flu prevention, please contact your health care provider or visit the CDC website.
Describes the Medicaid Fair Hearing process regarding the appeal of an initial application denial or the termination of benefits.
An overview of the NJ Medicaid ABD programs.
Offers healthcare coverage to individuals with IDD who are at least 16 years old, employed, and whose income would disqualify them from other types of Medicaid.
How does “Non-DAC” status allow some individuals with IDD, who are not eligible for Medicaid, to receive DDD services? This fact sheet describes a unique process where some individuals are able to apply for Medicaid, through the DDD Waiver Unit, after being approved for DDD services.
How Medicaid coverage acts in tandem with private health insurance.
How to continue a parent's private health insurance when a child with IDD is approaching age 26.
A unique process for a child with a disability in a lower income family to potentially qualify for Medicaid, even if the parents' income would normally make the child financially ineligible for Medicaid, if the child has a sibling without a disability.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides monthly cash payments to people in need. This fact sheet includes information about benefits and eligibility, specific to NJ.
What is the difference between Social Security Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?
Describes the appeals process when someone is denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI).