Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here is a list of common questions we get regarding NJ Self-Advocacy Project and our offerings! Click a question below to reveal the answer as well as some helpful links. You can also use the search bar or dropdown menu to find the topic you are interested in. If you have any other questions that aren't covered here, feel free to email NJSAP@ArcNJ.org or call 732-749-8514.
What type of advocacy do you offer?
We are not lawyers and cannot offer legal advocacy at the NJ Self-Advocacy Project. We can only provide you with resources, information and referrals in regard to these types of issues. If a person with an intellectual or developmental disability requires legal assistance, you can contact Disability Rights New Jersey for assistance. We focus on educating and supporting adults with IDD to become successful self-advocates. This involves making your own choices and having your voice heard. For more information about self-advocacy, click here.
Do you have a flyer that explains what you do and the resources you offer?
The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project (NJSAP), a program of The Arc of NJ, is committed to providing self-advocates with resources, education, and support to encourage people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to speak on their own behalf. We work together with self-advocates to form the New Jersey Statewide Self-Advocacy Network (NJSSAN), which is used as a means of supporting positive change on both a personal and social level. The NJSSAN consists of 5 Councils based on geographic location within the state.
EDUCATE: Members of the NJSSAN interact with legislators and policymakers on the local, state, and federal levels to educate decision makers on issues of importance to people with IDD.
COOPERATE: Self-advocates recognize the importance of working together to accomplish goals. NJSAP works with self-advocates to plan and carry out various cooperative projects, public awareness events, and fundraising activities.
PARTICIPATE: NJSAP and NJSSAN welcome every person to join the movement! You do not have to be affiliated with a local chapter of The Arc. Contact us for information about becoming an independent advocate.
You can find this information and more on our helpful handout "All About NJSAP".
If my child's teacher or community provider agency wants to schedule a training or virtual activity with NJSAP, what is the best way to do that?
They can utilize our training request form on the NJSAP website or email us at NJSAP@ArcNJ.org. There is no cost to schools or DD agencies for training sessions. We present on a wide variety of topics and have them grouped into categories on the Training Request website: Self-Advocacy Trainings, Legislative Advocacy Trainings, Employment Trainings, Technology Trainings, Communication/Relationships Trainings, Healthy Living Trainings, Guided Activities. Just identify the topics you are interested in and submit the form- we'll be in touch shortly to schedule dates. Click here to go to our Training page.
Who can attend the NJSSAN Council meetings and how do I know which one to go to?
Council meetings are open to any person with IDD over the age of 18. We do sometimes have family members who reach out and ask to attend the first meeting with their loved one to see if it would be a good fit and get a feel for the meeting and that is totally fine. There are 5 Councils and each Council hosts a monthly meeting.
All meetings are now held virtually on Zoom. The meetings are led by self-advocates, who are elected to their positions by fellow members, and supported by members of the NJSAP Team. You would determine your Council meeting base on your location in the state. Of course, if you have any questions or believe that a particular Council meeting would be more appropriate based on your location, just reach out to the NJ Self-Advocacy Project team and we’re happy to help. Click here to view our NJSSAN page and find your Council!
What’s the best way to stay up to date with NJSAP?
Joining our email list is the most effective way of staying up to date on NJSAP activities. We share all of our information via email. You can also visit the NJ Self-Advocacy Project website to register for upcoming virtual events or email NJSAP@ArcNJ.org to set up a training for your school or agency. Following us on social media is also a great way to stay up to date, we are @NJSAP on Twitter and Youtube, @NewJerseySAP on Facebook and Instagram.
Click here to sign up to our e-mail list.
Do you send out a monthly newsletter?
Click here to sign up for our full NJSAP email list and get updated on all of our activities, as well as our monthly self-advocacy newsletter, Advocacy Matters. If you are only interested in Healthy Lifestyles Project updates, including the Positive Pulse newsletter, you can sign up to our HLP list by clicking here.
What social media platforms does the NJ Self-Advocacy Project use?
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. We also have a LinkTree to store all of our social media pages in one convenient spot. Click here to view our Link Tree with all of our social media pages!
If I enjoy a particular HLP activity or webinar topic, will you present it again?
We archive all webinars on the "Stay Healthy At Home" webinar page. We often repeat our HLP: LIVE activities, so make sure to stay up to date if you are looking for a topic to come up again. We are happy to present any training topic to school groups and community provider agencies statewide, so visit our Training page to submit a request. Click here to sign up for HLP e-mail updates!