5/2/23: Financial Literacy: Learn, Earn, and Save!
Making money from the work we do feels great, but how we learn to value and save that money is how we get the things we need and want. This presentation will focus on the foundational elements of financial literacy, including: assessing money values, creating person-centered monetary goals, budgeting, retirement plans, social security benefits considerations, and more. Participants will leave the session with increased knowledge of financial literacy and many ways to practice these important money habits for the future.
This webinar will be presented by Rob Kimmel, MAT, BCBA, CESP and Rob is a Training and Consultation Specialist at The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.
It also features co-presenter Elizabeth Jennings from the National Disability Institute. Elizabeth Jennings is the Deputy Director of National Disability Institute, a national nonprofit with a mission to improve the financial futures of people with disabilities. Elizabeth has worked in the disability community for more than 20 years. She is recognized nationally for her knowledge on financial literacy education activities and strategies that improve the economic advancement of people with disabilities and the interplay of those strategies with Social Security disability benefits, including SSA work incentives. In addition to financial literacy, Elizabeth has a passion for individual well-being and how we can each train our brains to help us take actions that help us achieve our goals and live our best lives.