Is the Ticket to Work Program right for me?
- If you are a recipient of Social Security benefits, SSI and/or SSDI due to a disability diagnosis, and you are interested in becoming financially independent but are hesitant because of the potential impacts on your benefits, then utilizing Project HIRE through the free Ticket to Work program may be the program for you!
Project HIRE is now a member of the American Dream Employment Network (ADEN). ADEN is a national administrative Employment Network providing services to individuals receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits under the Ticket to Work program. For individuals receiving SSA disability benefits, the return to gainful employment can be complicated and challenging. The SSA recognizes the challenges that beneficiaries face in returning to work and, as a result, are able to offer supports through the Ticket to Work program to individuals who have the goal of achieving financial self-sufficiency.
If you are receiving SSI or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and are between the ages of 18-64 and looking for employment, Ticket to Work can be one of many work incentives to help get individuals with disabilities into the workforce. Interested individuals can contact Colleen Collick, the Director of Project HIRE at (732) 246-7605 or CCollick@arcnj.org to see if it is the right program for you.
Project HIRE is an approved member of the American Dream Employment Network, more information regarding ADEN and the Ticket to Work program can be found by clicking here.

Common Questions & Answers:
Who is the American Dream Employment Network (ADEN)?
ADEN is a national administrative Employment Network providing employment services to Ticket holders (referred to as Participants by ADEN) through a network of qualified providers across the country called ADEN Members. ADEN recognizes the importance of engaging employers in a meaningful way, and is focused on building a network of Employer Partners who are interested in diversifying their workforce by hiring qualified Participants. To learn more about ADEN, including a listing of ADEN Members and resources, visit www.AmericanDreamEN.org.
What is ADEN's mission?
Led by subject matter experts, ADEN is a division of National Disability Institute (NDI) whose mission is to provide a better economic future for Americans with disabilities. ADEN is interested in providing services that lead to the long-term financial stability of each Participant. ADEN offers the following core services to Participants at no cost:
- Career Counseling
- Job Search Supports
- Social Security Work Incentives Advisement
- Long-term Employment Supports
- Financial Management Resources
- Connection to Employers
Are you concerned about a Social Security continuing disability review?
Assigning your case with us eliminates these reviews while helping you work toward greater self-sufficiency.
Are you concerned your new employment will impact your benefits?
One of our Work Incentive Specialists, along with helpful resources, can help improve your financial health.
Does your job require an accommodation?
We can connect you with resources to help you identify and secure a workplace accommodation.
Are you concerned about a new supervisor or assignment of new job duties?
We can assist you adapt to a new work environment.
Do you need to work more hours or are you considering a job change?
We can provide with you with a wide range of employment and career services, as well as resources, to help you succeed.
Do you need assistance in locating additional community services?
Call us at 732.246.7605 and we can assist you with this as well.